Ask the Nest #5- Burnout


Jane Poe, Advice Columnist Alias

Hello and thanks for writing!

Burnout.  I am also very familiar with this feeling.  I feel burnout very often and I know the toll it takes.  It’s really hard and makes you feel very unmotivated but you have to find the strength to continue doing what needs to be done.  If you slip up then you will fall behind and that’s not worth it.  However, all that being said, it is very very important to take care of yourself.  If you take care of yourself you will hopefully feel burnout less often.

Although I don’t know your particular situation I feel that if you ground yourself it will get better.  What do I mean by that?  Well, ground yourself in life, what you love, who you love, what brings you joy/peace.  Reflect on these if you don’t know because it is essential to inner happiness and peace to know the answers to these questions.

Also, it can be really helpful to take a mental health day every once in a while or however often you need.  This will be a day for you.  Never feel guilty for taking care of you.  YOU are your number one priority.  This can be one on the weekend days, every week, every other weekend, once a month, however often you need.  This will be a day to ground yourself or simply rest, whatever you may need.  You can read, write, play/listen to music, make yourself a healthy meal, work out, or sleep, things you feel like you’ve been missing recently.  Then you try to incorporate one or two(maybe more) of your favorite healthy habits in your routine every day.  This will help you feel grounded in your everyday life, productive, and hopefully bring you joy.  With all of that considered hopefully you will feel more motivated and willing to do the work you need to do.

Another thing you can do is immerse yourself in things that you enjoy.  Ground yourself in what you love.  Find activities and extracurriculars you actually like going to and won’t dread.  This will help you find your path and not dislike a path as an adult should you choose to attack it that way.  When you do things you enjoy working or practicing for it is fun, and usually doesn’t burn you out because it brings you joy.  Enjoy STEAM?  We have many great opportunities, coding/engineering/computer science classes, robotics, and the AHS student help desk.  Medicine?  We have classes and a pathway.  Music?  We have many great music opportunities and classes.  The point is find what you love and pursue it and you’ll find out that you like doing work for it.  It will also hopefully make you feel happy, productive, and fulfilled.

Moral of the story is don’t forget about you, what you want, what makes you happy, and to take care of yourself!

I hope this helped, and you find joy in what you do.  You are amazing!  Have a fantastic day and thanks for asking this awesome question!


-Jane Poe