Making a Murderer: Steven Avery


Katricia Nooks, Staff Writer

Most people know the Steven Avery case from the Netflix documentary ‘Making a Murderer’. His story made headlines when he was accused of a sex crime in 1985. Steven Avery lived in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. Avery was convicted of wrongful sexual assault and served 18 years in prison. Many people believe that the Manitowoc County was against Avery and would do anything to get him behind bars.

After being released in 2003, Steven Avery was a happy, free man. But, Avery’s freedom was cut short when Teresa Halbach was murdered in 2005. Halbach was supposed to meet with Avery to take pictures of a minivan for a sales ad. According to investigators in this case, Teresa Halbachs’ car and bone fragments were found at the Avery salvage yard.

Avery believed that he was being framed and many people may agree. Some of the evidence didn’t add up. According to the documentary, detectives searched Avery’s property 18 times before they “found” Teresa Halbachs’ key in Avery’s home.

Steven Avery was charged with the murder of Teresa Halbach on October 31st 2005.  Avery’s nephew, Brendan Dassey, was also charged in this case. Brendan was 16 at the time, and told his mother that the detectives were putting ideas in his head. Brendan had a very low IQ, which many feel made him an easy target. On March 2nd Dassey was charged with being a party to first-degree intentional homicide, mutilation of a corpse, and first-degree sexual assault.

During the search of the Avery’s property, there was no trace of Teresa Halbach’s blood or any of her DNA that could’ve shown she was murdered on Avery’s property. Brendan Dassey was held and questioned for about 3 hours. In Dassey’s interrogation, detectives would try to persuade Brendan and make him agree to this murder. They would say things like “I heard you did this and that, is this true?” and Brendan would answer yes. It’s clear that detectives scared Brendan and made him nervous, so he confessed to a murder he didn’t play a role in.

Steven Avery is serving life in prison, and Brendan Dassey is eligible of parole in 2048. This case is still talked about today. Many people write letters to Avery and Dassey about how they believe they are innocent and will be released when the real truth comes out.

Avery’s lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, has found cell tower records that show Teresa Halbach was alive when she left the Avery’s property, and Avery wasn’t near Halbach when she was murder. Tune in to the Netflix series for the complete story.